Debunking 5 Myths of Quality Assurance


There are several misconceptions about QA that need to be debunked in order to understand its significance. In this article we'll discuss five of them.

We’ve spoken before about how the importance of quality assurance (QA) cannot be overstated. It's the backbone of a successful online presence, ensuring your digital product is functional, user-friendly, and bug-free. However, there are several misconceptions surrounding QA that need to be cleared up to better understand its significance. In this article, we’ll debunk five of these myths.

'QA is Only About Finding Bugs'

One of the most common misconceptions about QA is that it's solely about bug hunting. Whilst our QA team do test our products’ robustness through vigorous test-to-break methods, QA encompasses a much broader scope. It also includes assessing user experience (UX), checking for accessibility issues, ensuring compatibility across devices and browsers, and validating the overall quality of your digital product. Effective QA is not just about finding problems, it's about preventing them. It’s about being proactive rather than reactive.

'QA is a One-Time Activity'

Another myth that needs to be dispelled is that QA is a one-time activity that happens only during the development phase. Can you imagine how short-sighted that would be? In reality, QA is an ongoing process that should be integrated throughout the entire development life cycle. It starts from the initial design phase, continues during development, and persists after the website is launched. Regular maintenance and updates require consistent quality assurance to adapt to evolving user expectations and technology changes.

'QA is Only for Big Companies'

Smaller businesses and startups often believe that QA is a luxury reserved for larger corporations with bigger budgets. Some see it as an unnecessary cost (insert Face With Rolling Eyes emoji). This couldn't be further from the truth. QA is a necessity for organisations of all sizes. It ensures that your online presence is professional and reliable, which can significantly boost your brand's reputation. In fact, for smaller companies, maintaining a bug-free website can be even more critical, as a single bad experience can drive potential risk-averse customers away. Investing in QA is an investment in the success and growth of your business.

'Automated Testing Replaces the Need for Manual Testing'

No, this isn’t a timeline where Skynet has taken over the world. Despite what some might think, AI is limited where it comes to testing. The advent of automated testing tools has led to the misconception that manual testing is no longer necessary. While automated testing is a valuable component of QA, it cannot entirely replace manual testing. Automated testing is excellent for repetitive, rule-based tasks but may not catch nuanced issues that a human tester can identify, such as design inconsistencies or user experience problems. I’d like to see Arnold’s attention to detail with padding misalignments. The most effective approach is to strike a balance by combining automated and manual testing, allowing the strengths of each method to complement one another.

'QA is a Cost Centre, Not a Value-Adding Activity'

Some consider QA as an expense rather than an investment. This myth stems from the idea that QA merely consumes resources without providing any tangible benefits. We’ve met these people, and yes, they’re ideas are still stuck in 1984 (last Terminator reference, I promise). In 2023, QA is a value-adding activity. A high-quality website improves user satisfaction, reduces the risk of costly post-launch bug fixes, and ultimately leads to increased revenue. QA is a strategic investment that ensures your online platform serves its purpose effectively and generates a positive return on investment. We don’t want to be constantly fixing things for you, our time is better spent brainstorming your next digital journey.


Web quality assurance is a critical component of web development and maintenance that dispels several myths. It's not just about finding bugs; it encompasses user experience, compatibility, and overall quality. QA is an ongoing process that applies to businesses of all sizes, and it involves both automated and manual testing. Most importantly, it is not a cost centre but a value-adding activity that can significantly impact your brand's reputation and revenue.

Still curious about QA? Let’s chat! Get in touch with a member of the team here.