Female Lead Lunch: A Recap


Reflecting on the discussions around personal growth at March’s Female Lead Lunch

Our Female Lead Networking lunches are an opportunity for women from across the B Corp and purpose-driven community to come together in a safe space to connect, share, and uplift one another. These intimate conversations range from recounting relatable lived experiences to offering tips and advice for the specific challenges women in senior positions often face. 

The gathering last month was no different: tucked away in the heart of Central London at Chief, a membership club designed exclusively for executive women, and over a lovely selection of food and drink, our March attendees chatted through all things Work-Life Balance. Wellbeing in the world of work was very much a fitting topic considering the ambition and leadership shared by all at the table.

At these lunches, vulnerability, openness and raw honesty are all very much encouraged, so we won’t go into specifics here - but a few of the general bits of advice were too good not to share. Here are five ways that you can create harmony between work, life and everything in between:

Whatever you practice, do it every day

Being consistent and intentional is key. Whether it’s meditation or a morning crossword, having a daily practice builds momentum and allows you to embrace the power of habit. All big things come from small beginnings - even small efforts add up over time, and you might surprise yourself with what you can achieve and how it makes you feel. Commit to showing up daily, and that dedication will pay off.

Block out time for you

In the hustle and bustle of work life and balancing a million different tasks at once, don’t forget to make space for yourself. Mark yourself as busy and set aside unmovable “me time” on your calendar. Give yourself the gift of uninterrupted time for self-development and self-improvement. That could look like a workout, or reading a favourite book, or learning a new skill. It’s not selfish to prioritise yourself - it’s essential for recharging your batteries and maintaining a healthy work-life balance.

Keywords can be better than goals

Leave that list of overwhelming goals in the past, and instead focus on a keyword (or a few!) that embodies your intentions. This could be absolutely anything - “focus”, “consistency”, “joy”,  “growth”, “inspire”, “confident” - as long as it’s aligned with your aspirations, then it works. While goals can often be rigid, having a “word of the year” gives you a unifying theme for steering your professional journey. Choose your words wisely and let them inspire your actions.

Finish every day on a positive

No matter how chaotic your day may be, always strive to end it on a positive note. Leaving your desk feeling annoyed, bitter, or disappointed will bleed into your home life and have negative knock-on effects. Reflect on your accomplishments, big or small; celebrate all your wins; learn from your challenges; and let go of any lingering negativity. By cultivating a positive mindset at the end of each day, you can move forward with gratitude rather than frustration and set the stage for a fresh start tomorrow. 

Let yourself be playful

Children learn through play - and maybe they’re onto something. Allow yourself to let your guard down and inject some fun into your day. Embracing a playful attitude can spark creativity, which is the key to new ideas, innovation, and collaboration. Try brainstorming wild ideas that you’d dream of bringing to life, or experimenting with technology to see what you can create. All work and no play can make you both bored and boring.

Still want more?

If you or someone you know would like to come along to a Female Lead Lunch and get involved in these conversations, then get in touch - we’d love to hear from you. These gatherings are invite-only ticketed events, with only a small number of spaces available, so let us know if you’d like to join our next lunch this June.